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Upgrade from Simple Crosshair Generator

Simple Crosshair Generator is the predecessor of Simple Crosshair Plus. It is a free tool that generates static crosshairs, similar to the static line crosshair type available in this package, but with fewer features.

Simple Crosshair Plus was created to provide a more powerful and flexible crosshair solution. If you have a project that uses Simple Crosshair Generator and want to upgrade it to use Simple Crosshair Plus, follow the steps on this page. The steps assume that you haven't moved the Simple Crosshair Generator files from the default location that Unity installs them to (Assets > Simple Crosshair Generator).

  1. Import Simple Crosshair Plus into your project. This causes many compile errors.
  2. Open Assets/Simple Crosshair Plus/Scripts/Crosshairs/SimpleCrosshair.cs then copy the entire contents to your clipboard.
  3. Delete Assets/Simple Crosshair Plus/Scripts/Crosshairs/SimpleCrosshair.cs.
  4. Open Assets/Simple Crosshair Generator/Scripts/SimpleCrosshair.cs, delete everything in the file, paste the contents of the clipboard into the file, and save it.
  5. In the Unity Editor, move Assets/Simple Crosshair Generator/Scripts/SimpleCrosshair.cs to Assets/Simple Crosshair Plus/Scripts/Crosshairs/.
  6. Delete the Assets/Simple Crosshair Generator folder.

This should fix all the compile errors and keep any existing crosshairs working.